Grinding wheels for a sharp and durable edge

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Grinding wheels

Tormek SJ-250 Japanese Waterstone

The Tormek Japanese Waterstone with 4000 grit delivers a mirror finish with hardly any visible marks. The fine surface polishes the edge and creates the ultimate shiny finish. If you...
Grinding wheels

Tormek SJ-200 Japanese Waterstone

The Tormek Japanese Waterstone with 4000 grit delivers a mirror finish with hardly any visible marks. The fine surface polishes the edge and creates the ultimate shiny finish. If you...
Grinding wheels

Tormek DE-250 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine

The Tormek Diamond Wheel Extra Fine with a grit size of 1200 leaves an extra fine finish and is especially suitable for carving tools and knives when the need for...
Grinding wheels

Tormek SG-250 Original Grindstone

The Tormek Original Grindstone has evolved over the years to offer the best combination of efficient steel removal, smooth surface finish and a long life. SG-250 is delivered as standard with Tormek T-8....
Grinding wheels

Tormek DE-200 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine

Diamond grinding wheel for Tormek T-4. Availability may vary from market to market. The Tormek DE-200 Diamond Wheel Extra Fine is the diamond wheel that provides an extra smooth finish...
Grinding wheels

Tormek DF-200 Diamond Wheel Fine

Diamond grinding wheel for Tormek T-4. Availability may vary from market to market. Tormek's DF-200 Diamond Wheel Fine is the ultimate all-round grinding wheel, combining efficient steel removal with a...
Grinding wheels

Tormek DC-250 Diamond Wheel Coarse

The Tormek Diamond Wheel Coarse has a grit size of 360 for fast steel removal when shaping and a rapid repair of a dull or damaged edge. You can sharpen...
Grinding wheels

Tormek SB-250 Blackstone Silicon

Tormek Blackstone Silicon has been developed for shaping and sharpening* HSS and other exotic alloyed steels. It can also touch up tungsten carbide. It does not offer faster steel removal...
Grinding wheels

Tormek DC-200 Diamond Wheel Coarse

Diamond grinding wheel for Tormek T-4. Availability may vary from market to market. The DC-200 Diamond Wheel Coarse is designed to provide effective sharpening and rapid repair of a dull...
Grinding wheels

Tormek DF-250 Diamond Wheel Fine

The Tormek Diamond Wheel Fine with a grit size of 600 is the ultimate all round wheel combining efficient steel removal with smooth surface finish which makes it the perfect...
Grinding wheels

Tormek SG-200 Original Grindstone

The Tormek Original Grindstone has evolved over the years to offer the best combination of efficient steel removal, smooth surface finish and a long life. SG-200 is delivered as standard with Tormek T-4. The...